pa moras lajat kad si loko redom ozgor po reklamama na otoj sliki - naopako karlovacko, ozujsko, pan, a bilo bi tu jos od domacih osjecko, staro cesko, velebitsko, vukovarsko...samo da nisi kropo pa je ostalo van kadra. morti je bilo i njako stranjsko. osim toga kad bacis opanke pod trpezu pa se prezderes otih rumenih cukova pijes bolje a mores bome i furt divanit.
dear bodhi, so good to hear from you! no boodles, no diggies were harmed in making croatians burp loudly on the day of st. anthony of padua. i am sure the roasted bones were all around for diggies to have a feast of their own. it was a day for both people and diggies to rejoice. not so much for lambs. it is the circle of life. now our bellies are full and we have the strength to commit good and proud deeds, and with diggies by our side, stroll into a brighter, less-hungry future. until breakfast.
if those are dogs we can't be friends anymore.
pa moras lajat kad si loko redom ozgor po reklamama na otoj sliki - naopako karlovacko, ozujsko, pan, a bilo bi tu jos od domacih osjecko, staro cesko, velebitsko, vukovarsko...samo da nisi kropo pa je ostalo van kadra. morti je bilo i njako stranjsko. osim toga kad bacis opanke pod trpezu pa se prezderes otih rumenih cukova pijes bolje a mores bome i furt divanit.
dear bodhi,
so good to hear from you!
no boodles, no diggies were harmed in making croatians burp loudly on the day of st. anthony of padua. i am sure the roasted bones were all around for diggies to have a feast of their own. it was a day for both people and diggies to rejoice. not so much for lambs. it is the circle of life. now our bellies are full and we have the strength to commit good and proud deeds, and with diggies by our side, stroll into a brighter, less-hungry future.
until breakfast.
...silence of the dogz...
those greyhounds looks delicious...
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